Intensive orchards - new head of agricultural development of Armenia
Armenia it`s a country, rich of sunbeam that pleases its people and guests with bright, juicy, fragnant fruits every year. Growing of the fruits is one of the leading sectors in Armenian agriculture. A favourable climate zone and the tastiest spring water helps to ensure that Armenian fruits possess unique taste and are well known not only in the home country but also abroad.
We grow selected sorts of apricot, peach, apple, plum, cherry, pear and many other fruits, that are truly living symbols of the country with their unique, disparate taste.
The cultivation of highly qualified agricultural production is the leading sphere of "Spayka" company’s activity.
Therefore starting from 2016 on the square of 800 hectares in the regions Shenik and Alapars, we have started implementing the latest technologies and modern approach of maintaining the agriculture to achieve the high productivity and product quality.
The intensive orchards of "Spayka" include the 30 sorts of fruits, naturally grown in the ecologically clean Ararat foothills.
Availability of own sources of irrigation for plants (5 reservoirs), allows to ensure the watering of the lands on time, that contributes to the right plant growth and development of them.
The indicators for obtaining high quality products with excellent taste are:
Fertile land of volcanic origin, settled on the height of 960m and 1200m over the sea
Favourable climatic conditions
Implementation of modern Italian technologies of cultivation
Usage of modern technologies
Starting from 2007, "Spayka" started to export fresh fruits and vegetables under the trademark "Ararat Fruit".
The "AraratFruit" tredemark works according to the needs of international standarts of quality control ISO 9001, ISO 22000 and ISO 14001.
Nowadays the company is the largest exporter of agricultural products from Armenia and it plays a strategic role in the country, being the leader in this field.
The company export more than 100 000 tones of fruts, per year to CIS, Gulf and European countries.